How Fund Accounting Can Support Your Board

how fund accounting can support your board
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Effective board governance is crucial for the success and sustainability of nonprofit organizations. One key aspect of board governance is financial oversight and stewardship. Fund accounting, a specialized approach to financial management, can play a significant role in supporting and empowering nonprofit boards in their governance responsibilities.

What a Board Should Know About Finances

When it comes to finances, nonprofit boards play a crucial role in providing oversight, ensuring financial sustainability, and making informed decisions. Here are some key aspects that boards should know about finances:

  • Financial statements: Board members should have a basic understanding of financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. They should be able to review and interpret these statements to gain insights into the organization’s financial health, revenue sources, expenses, and cash flow.
  • Budgeting process: Boards should actively participate in the budgeting process. They should review and approve the annual budget, ensuring it aligns with the organization’s strategic goals and priorities. Boards should also monitor budget performance regularly, comparing actual results to the budgeted amounts and addressing any significant variances.
  • Financial policies and procedures: Boards should be familiar with the financial policies and procedures in place within the organization. These policies may cover areas such as cash management, purchasing, expense reimbursement, and financial controls. Boards should ensure these policies are well-documented, regularly reviewed, and effectively implemented.
  • Internal controls: Board members should understand the importance of strong internal controls to safeguard the organization’s assets and prevent fraud or financial mismanagement. They should ensure adequate internal controls are in place, including segregation of duties, regular financial reconciliations, and independent audits or reviews.
  • Compliance and legal obligations: Boards should be aware of the legal and compliance requirements that apply to the organization’s finances. This may include tax regulations, filing deadlines, and fund accounting reporting obligations. Board members should ensure the organization remains in compliance and takes necessary steps to fulfill its financial and legal obligations.
  • Risk management: Financial risks can significantly impact an organization’s stability and mission. Boards should be proactive in identifying and managing financial risks, such as revenue fluctuations, funding uncertainties, or inadequate reserves. They should work with management to develop and implement risk management strategies to mitigate these risks effectively.
  • Fundraising and donor stewardship: Boards should understand the organization’s fundraising strategies and be actively involved in supporting fundraising efforts. They should ensure appropriate donor stewardship practices are in place to maintain strong relationships with donors, communicate impact, and comply with donor restrictions.
  • Financial reporting and transparency: Board members must prioritize financial transparency and reporting. They should review financial reports regularly, ask questions, and seek clarification on any financial matters that may arise. They should ensure the organization provides timely and accurate financial information to stakeholders, including donors, regulatory authorities, and the public.
boards should strive to have diverse members
  • Financial literacy and professional expertise: While board members don’t need to be financial experts, it’s beneficial to have a basic level of financial literacy. Boards should strive to have diverse members with different professional backgrounds, including individuals with financial expertise or experience in nonprofit finance. This diversity can contribute to well-informed financial decision-making and robust oversight.

By having a solid understanding of these financial aspects, nonprofit boards can effectively fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities, make informed decisions, and ensure the financial stability and sustainability of the organization. Collaboration between board members and management is crucial in achieving financial success and advancing the organization’s mission.

Questions Board Members Should Be Asking

Asking the right questions can help board members gain insights, make informed decisions, and fulfill their responsibilities effectively. Here are some key questions board members should consider asking:

Questions regarding financial performance and stability:

  • How is the organization’s financial performance compared to budgeted goals and previous periods?
  • What are the major revenue sources, and how sustainable are they?
  • Are there any financial risks or challenges that need to be addressed?
  • Are there adequate reserves to support the organization’s long-term sustainability?

Questions regarding budget and resource allocation:

  • How does the proposed budget align with the organization’s strategic priorities and goals?
  • Are there any significant variations or discrepancies in budgeted versus actual expenses and revenues?
  • How are resources allocated among different programs or initiatives?
  • Are there any areas where financial resources are underutilized or misaligned?

Questions regarding financial controls and risk management:

  • What internal controls are in place to safeguard the organization’s assets and mitigate financial risks?
  • Are there any potential risks or vulnerabilities that need to be addressed?
  • How frequently are financial statements reviewed and audited?
  • Are there any legal or compliance issues related to financial matters?

Questions regarding fundraising and donor stewardship:

  • What is the organization’s fundraising strategy, and how effective is it?
  • How are donor relationships nurtured and maintained?
  • Are there any restrictions or conditions on funds received from donors, and how are they managed?

Questions regarding financial transparency and reporting:

  • How frequently and in what detail are financial reports provided to the board?
  • Are the financial reports clear, accurate, and understandable?
  • Are there any potential conflicts of interest in financial transactions?
  • How transparent is the organization in its financial reporting to stakeholders and the public?

Questions regarding strategic financial planning:

  • How does the financial plan support the organization’s long-term strategic goals?
  • Are financial projections and forecasts in place to guide decision-making?
  • Are there opportunities for revenue growth or cost savings that should be explored?
  • How are financial considerations integrated into the organization’s strategic planning process?

Questions regarding board governance and accountability:

  • Are there policies and procedures in place to ensure ethical financial practices?
  • How is the board fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities related to financial oversight?
  • Are there any training or educational needs for board members regarding financial matters?
  • How can the board enhance its understanding and engagement in financial governance?

These questions serve as a starting point for board members to engage in meaningful discussions, seek clarification, and ensure the organization’s financial management is robust, transparent, and aligned with its mission and strategic objectives.

Benefits of Fund Accounting for Boards

Fund accounting provides several benefits to nonprofit boards, supporting their oversight responsibilities, decision-making processes, and overall governance. Here are some key benefits of fund accounting for boards:

devloping a budget
  1. Enhanced financial transparency: Fund accounting enables boards to have a clear and detailed view of the financial activities and balances of each fund within the organization. This transparency allows board members to understand how funds are allocated, spent, and managed, ensuring accountability and promoting transparency with stakeholders.
  2. Improved financial oversight: With fund accounting, boards can monitor the financial performance of individual funds, assessing their revenue, expenses, and overall financial health. This oversight enables boards to identify any financial issues or concerns promptly, address them proactively, and make informed decisions to ensure the financial sustainability of the organization.
  3. Alignment with donor restrictions: Fund accounting helps boards ensure compliance with donor restrictions. By tracking and reporting funds separately, boards can verify that resources are used in accordance with the intentions and restrictions set by donors.
  4. Informed decision-making: Fund accounting equips boards with accurate and timely financial information specific to each fund. This data empowers board members to make informed decisions regarding resource allocation, programmatic investments, and financial planning. The ability to assess the financial health and performance of each fund enables boards to prioritize initiatives and make strategic decisions aligned with the organization’s mission.
  5. Improved budgeting and financial planning: Fund accounting supports boards in developing and monitoring budgets for each fund separately. Boards can analyze fund-specific financial data to guide budgeting decisions, allocate resources effectively, and ensure financial plans align with organizational goals.
  6. Effective risk management: Fund accounting enables boards to identify and manage financial risks associated with specific funds. By monitoring fund balances, revenue streams, and expenses, boards can identify and mitigate potential risks, such as reliance on a single funding source or insufficient reserves.
  7. Compliance with reporting requirements: Fund accounting facilitates compliance with reporting requirements imposed by regulatory authorities, granting organizations, and other stakeholders. Boards can generate accurate and comprehensive financial reports specific to each fund, demonstrating compliance, transparency, and accountability. This compliance supports the organization’s reputation and strengthens relationships with stakeholders.
  8. Stronger board-management collaboration: Fund accounting fosters collaboration between the board and management by providing a standardized framework for financial reporting and analysis. Boards and management can align their understanding of financial data, engage in meaningful discussions, and work together to address financial challenges and opportunities.

By leveraging the benefits of fund accounting, boards can strengthen their oversight, promote transparency, and drive the success of the nonprofit’s mission.

Request a Demo

Fund accounting is a valuable tool that can empower nonprofit boards to fulfill their governance responsibilities effectively. By providing transparency, supporting financial oversight, facilitating strategic decision-making, and ensuring compliance, fund accounting strengthens board governance and enhances the overall financial health of the organization.

Request a demo of MIP Fund Accounting® for fund accounting software that can support your board.

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