Webinar – Accounting for Grants 2021: Tips and strategies for reporting

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Webinar – Accounting for Grants 2021: Tips and strategies for reporting

On-Demand Webinar

During our 2021 Nonprofit Financial Health Study, over 44% of respondents indicated they spend an average of 16 hours monthly reporting to grantors. This time equates to 192 hours a year spent on grant reporting. Additionally, most grantees are reporting to 6 or more funders in any given reporting year.

Organizations must ensure their reporting meets grant stipulations as well as responding to program requirements.  What if you had a solution and tactics for reducing this time? Time is money when it comes to mission. Imagine being able to take at least 10 of those hours back and spend those hours engaging new donors or helping more of those who you serve? 

Our Webinar will give you insight on:  

  • Tips on reducing time on reporting
  • Tactics on gathering data for robust and accurate reporting
  • Insights from our MIP Expert Christine Simon on how to accurately report grantor requests

Panelist(s) – Christine Simon,MBA, Solutions Engineer, MIP Fund Accounting

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