Driving your Mission to the Market with Modules

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We know this is one of the busiest times in accounting during the year. We also know that you all are planning, reviewing, and forecasting for next year’s budget.

Whether you’re in the middle of planning for next year’s budget or closing out your fiscal year, one thing you might be considering is a more robust fund accounting system, or module additions to your current core MIP fund accounting software program. Modules are a powerful way to support and grow with your mission as it expands.

A great example of growth and mission is CenClear Child Services, Inc., which has relied on MIP as the end-to-end financial solution for their organization since 2002. A multi-module user they utilize 19 of the 26 MIP project modules.  MIP accelerates their accounting processes, ensures accuracy, prevents fraud, and automates compliance for the organization. (Read our full case study on CenClear’s Child Services success with adding modules.

Adding modules to your fund accounting software engine will help drive your mission in the market. These modules can improve your efficiency, streamline your processes, and help you focus on the things that matter most.

MIP Fund Accounting and MIP Cloud products are configurable fund accounting solutions that give you the freedom to build a customized system with modules to meet your specific needs today, while maintaining the flexibility to add modules as your organization grows.

if you want to learn more about modules and mission you can register to hear the recording of our most recent modules webinar.




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